Get burning

Paul described Timothy’s leadership wattage as a flame (2 Tim 1:6). Wattage or ‘flame’ refers
to a leader’s quotient of character, gifting, skill and calling that together determine the size
of his leadership gift. Wattage is determined both by God-factors and Man-factors.

The God-factor: How much grace gifting God has given the man? Is he a two, five or ten
talent leader (Mt 25:14)? You can’t put in what God has left out.

The Man-factor: How diligently does he ‘fan to flame’ (2 Tim 1:6) the measure that God gave
him? Does he bury or deploy his God-given talents (Mt 25:14)?
It is hard to lead people much beyond the point that you yourself have gone; so raising leaders
rapidly depends on keeping growing yourself, on diligently fanning your flame.
Saul feared giants. His followers feared giants. (1 Sam 17:11)
David killed giants. His followers killed giants. (1 Chr 20:4-8)
If you are strong in faith, so will your followers be. If you are strong in the Word and Spirit then
so will they be, and so on.
The ‘wattage’ of the leader is usually proportional to the quality and quantity of his following. I
am not saying the primary leader needs to be ahead of those that he leads in every area, as
that would negate the theology of The Body and the concept of Team. But reality is that bright
bulbs tend to gather more moths than dull bulbs. So, increase your wattage. Fan that flame.

PJ Smyth

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